5 Steps to Surviving a Slow Summer

5 Steps to Surviving a Slow Summer

1. Breathe. This is totally normal. Businesses all have busy and slow times… that’s the name of the game. Your customers are busy traveling, socializing, and spending time outdoors during the summer months!  It’s important to remember this and not panic when business gets slow. 

2. Keep posting. Keep your social media pages from growing stale by posting regularly and engaging with your customers! Even if you aren’t taking orders over the summer, repost “old” sets, (trust me, nobody will notice) memes, Reels, and share your life in stories! This way, you don’t ghost your following for 2 months and reappear to a cold audience asking for a sale.

Also, keep your website up to date with relevant listings, photos, and links!

3. Brush up on your baking or baking-related skills! For example:

  • Try those new recipes or decorating techniques you’ve always wanted to test out!
  • Take that online course you’ve been dragging your feet on.
  • Unbox that 3D printer, Eddie, or DSLR camera that has intimidated you for months and master it before the holidays.

4. Plan your holiday sets now! Research holiday vendor opportunities and sign up!  Design and plan your holiday classes as well! Once school starts, it's pretty much a whirlwind for the rest of the year, so save yourself the time and create your presales now!

5. Organize your cookie space. Donate what you don’t need and toss what is expired or broken. Remember, clutter makes you less efficient and more stressed!

Following these steps will make the very most of your small business summer and prepare your business for yet another busy holiday season!

Cheering you on, 
